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rocketpig said:
Supposed said:
There's a huge amount of over-exaggeration in this thread. The true philosophical discussion/bullshit only comes into the game in the last half hour. If you cannot enjoy MGS2 because of its last half hour, or call it 'similar to being raped' then you obviously have never played a bad game.

It's a fact that game storylines have a long way to come compared to any other media format, but shooting a game down for trying to do something more than the 'SPACE MARINE SHOOT ALIEN' or 'orphaned child seeks revenge' clichés annoys me greatly.

Apart from that this thread reeks of anti-sony fanboyism.

I would call it anti-Konamism more than anything. I'll play MGS4 but I'm not going to buy it until I find out whether Kojima pulled a MGS2 on me or not.

I mentioned earlier that the gameplay wasn't bad, though Raiden annoyed the shit out of me. Outside of the story and Raiden, I have no problems with the game.

And we're not saying that games shouldn't try to be more than "See Space Marine, Shoot Alien", we just want the more complex stories not to suck. After all, you don't see threads starting up talking about how terrible Deus Ex's story was.

 Deus ex didn't teach me about identity, memes, truths, self, what to pass on, censorship, freedom, society.