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While the ending was the straw that broke the camel's back there were many other factors that crippled the game.

The story was bland and awkward.

The characters in the game were at best, bazaar and clumsy, at worst, boring and two-dimentional.

The game forced itself to try and recapture the feel of its predicessor. The character's unique quirks and unconventionality were forced and hand-fisted. The story itself even revolved around trying to duplicate the events of the first game.

MGS2 was like Blair Witch Project 2, it acted as if the first MGS was something that didn't even happen in the same world, that it was some holy prophecy that everything in MGS2 had to revolve around.

For the record, I played this game for the first time convinced my friends' hatred of it was fanboyish and unfounded. I played this game for the first time eager to find reasons to like it. No matter how hard I tried to force myself to like this game, I just couldn't do it.