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Dragon007 said:

You can judge it all you want, but criticizing its realism and judging it against a Kubrick movie is hardly justified, especially not a game like MGS which revolves heavily around fantasy. I agree with some of your points but some of them are just completely ridiculous,  you obviously have a vendetta against MGS2.

And for the record, I didn't think the storyline was brilliant myself but for a game I thought it was highly engaging and enjoyable.

You think some of my points are ridiculous but for some reason don't bother to mention which ones. Though in lieu of this I clearly have a vendetta, I guess we're just going to have to take your word for it then, just like we're going to have to take your word for it that you can't compare video games to reality even if they do use reality as a key focal point.

And for the record, I never made any allegations about your enjoyment or lack there of in this game.

And for the record, MGS revolves around Sci-Fi/Fiction and Tom Clancy-ish political hypotheticals. If it revolved around fantasy Snake would be flying a dragon while ogres pirated Metal Gears which were powered by philosipher stones.