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Onimusha12 said:
Dragon007 said:
Onimusha12 said:
Dragon007 said:

Whether it's humorous or not is a matter of opinion, but questioning the realism of a fantasy game is downright ridiculous...

Then Hideo shouldn't have tried to tackle intense aspects of realism in a Fantasy Game.

Dragon007 said:

 and I really don't think Kojima intended for MGS2 to be compared to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Then Kojima shouldn't have tried to play Stanley Kubrick.

There may have been aspects of realism but it's all happening within the fantasy realm, it's still a fantasy game thus it should be judged as one.

I also stress that it's a game, comparing it to a movie (a Kubrick one at that) is just silly.


If you use the fact that video games are fantasy to excuse them of any standard then there is no merit to weigh, value or criticize them in any way what-so-ever.

Your excuse for MGS2 is no different than a Director of a Movie claiming his movie wasn't made to be reviewed by critics.

You can judge it all you want, but criticizing its realism and judging it against a Kubrick movie is hardly justified, especially not a game like MGS which revolves heavily around fantasy. I agree with some of your points but some of them are just completely ridiculous,  you obviously have a vendetta against MGS2.

And for the record, I didn't think the storyline was brilliant myself but for a game I thought it was highly engaging and enjoyable.