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MGS2 is a game who psycho-bable let's below average people feel above average by feeling they understand it.

I've always been able to measure the value of a persons opinion by two standards... Their opinions of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica.

Oddly enough there is a large group of people who for some reason seem to percieve both as being the Opus' of their series. Those are people whom if I at the very least don't question the validity of their taste in video games, I at least question there status as an earthbourne organism and not an alien being trying desperately to pass itself off as a human.

billy07 said:
What's wrong with it being heavy handed? Philosophy is a heavy subject.

When doing philosophy properly in a popular medium is about as delicate a procedure as balancing a bowling ball on the head of a needle, I think being heavy handed is the polar oposite of the approach you would want.

Though we can all appreciate your attempt at using something as shallow as semantics to rationalize something as deep as the approach taken towards Philosophy. "What's wrong with being non-sensical? Aren't we all non-sensical in our own way?" Yeah... put down the weed and try playing the game sober then get back to us with your opinion.