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todd2r said:
There was no way Xbox was gonna beat PlayStation on a worldwide sales basis if they both released at the same time. I dont think any Xbox fan could say with a straight face, that they expected Xbox to win worldwide sales. To me, the most shocking is the Europe and north American numbers. To see Sony winning those is a shock. However, I still think the north American market is still up for grabs. I think Xbox fall lineup is stronger than Sony's so hopefully that will drive sales. I also see quite a few friends on my 360 friends list that have yet to upgrade and im wondering which one they will choose. I think the majority of people forget that this generation is just getting started. The majority of gamers haven't decided which system to choose. Now evidence suggests that ps4 will be the winner but I think Xbox will be fine and do better than most people think. Too many doom and gloom threads IMO.

Back when it was still called Durango there were certainly straight faced Xbox fans wo said Nextbox would win USA and UK easily and would further close the Eurogap to give Durango the global lead. I think even after the Xbox 180 there were fans who thought that was enough for Xb one to win the generation. Even now there are people who think Xbox one can pull it back and at least get more or less even with PS4.

Me, I thought this generation would see all the consoles within the 30-40% market share range but PS4 would be the higer selling console. But when Wii U failed to fire and MS totally screwed up the pre-launch, the hardware and the design of the box itself it did seem like PS4 would win with a big margin. But 3:1 I would not have picked. 2:1 yes I could have seen that as possible. 

Given PS2:Xb1 was 6:1 (probably more like 4:1 when Xb1 stopped selling to be fair) then 3:1 now seems like it is possible long term. But I think maybe MS might manage to do something to bring it back and we could end up with a 2:1 situation.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix