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Onimusha12 said:
MGS2 was a pretentious "Hideo-You're-Not-Stanley-Cubrick-So-Don't-Try-To-Be" piece of trash. It was probably the best selling bad game in video gaming history. Its message was a brilliant as the gullable fool playing the game was willing to let it be in their easily manipulated mind.

Exactly. I watched the ending of MGS2 mumbling to myself "Wow, this is a really heavy-handed attempt to be like 2001".

Problem is, Kubrick artfully danced around the subject while Kojima handled it like a bull in a china shop. Meh. The babbling on and on about consciousness and life in MGS2 fails when compared to a computer singing "Daisy" in 2001. Both are trying to accomplish the same thing. One succeeds and is incredibly powerful while the other makes you roll your eyes and hit "X" over and over again until it stops.

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