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Sorry Tbone, but you missed the point. They ARE a waste of slot if they can just be an alt costume with no questions. Sure, they take no time to make, but what's the point? And for a perfectionist like Sakurai, he would take the time to make the characters different. Which makes the point of clones even more confusing. I would rather have a lesser (number wise) roster than a fuller one with clones.

If we have a lesser roster, we think, "who didn't make the cut?" If we have a clone filled roster (see: Brawl), we think, "who got robbed of a spot?" That's the difference.

In case you didn't know, I have a comic book called Guardians. I'm the writer/creator of it, and we have four issues out right now, with our fifth coming out soon!

We're also doing a Patreon right now for the comic, and I'd appreciate any and all help in getting it funded. If 56 people pledged $3 per issue, we'll be funded

To pledge, click here. Please join Team Guardians!