Arcturus said:
Hey guys, Due to the limited amount of free time I have as of late, I've been considering some changes to the league. I'll detail them below and would love to hear your thoughts on them. At the moment, I have to manually record and report trophies values (including new platinum trophies) for 140 members. This usually takes 2-3 hours to do each week. All of this data is presented in the various tables and lists you see each week: Main Leaderboard Season Leaderboard Platinum Trophy Leaderboard Busiest Members list Recent Platinum Trophies earned Gathering the trophy values for 140 members takes about 50% of 2-3 hours needed to perform the update. This part isn't too bad and can go quickly. Once I have this data gathered, I can then identify who has earned a new platinum trophy. Once I have this list, I have to look up each individual on psnprofiles and determine which new platinum trophy they have earned. If it is a platinum trophy that has not been earned by someone else in the league, I then have to make my way over to and look up the average rated difficulty. It's a time consuming process that is quite prone to errors. Proposed Changes - drop membership to below 100 members. This can easily be done by removing those that haven't earned a new trophy in the past few months and by removing those that no long visit the site (These removals are long overdue) - Have the focus of the league be on the seasonal leaderboard, instead of the main leaderboard (both leaderboards will remain though). The seasonal leaderboard is more interesting I find, since the ranking are more dynamic. - do away with recording platinum trophies and the platinum leaderboard. I hate to see these two go as it 1) shows us which platinum trophies are being earned, and 2)rewards members who spend time earning more difficult platinum trophies. However, as mentioned above, it's a time consuming and error-prone process to record this data each week. - and finally, replace the platinum leaderboard with a leaderboard from Members can choose to join truetrophies and the VGChartz truetrophies leaderboard (not setup yet). Although not perfect, hopefully this leaderboard can replace the platinum leaderboard in giving credit to those members who spend time earning more difficult trophies. With these changes I hope the weekly league update will become a sub 1-hour task, instead of a 2-3 hours task. Thoughts?
I'm down for every one of the changes. You put a lot of time into doing this and it's grealy appreciated, anything that can make is easier is fine by me.