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Xevross said:
prinz_valium said:

so the titanfall bundle sold bad? comeon

and it sill was a 499 dollar bundle


the kinectless sku was about 55% of the june npd xb1 sales (without a free game)



and at the end of august we get this 399 bundle including a free game.

this is better value and more options

NPD showed weekly average fell for xbox 1 in march compared to february, so the TF bundle hasn't done very well at all and its had its full effect during hte time PS4 has been 3:1 so it has done nothing against PS4. Yes Kinectless bundle was 55% and increased XB1 sales for the month but still have put the XB1 in no better position compared to PS4, the ration is still more than 2:1 and closer to 3:1 WW (after PS4 adjustments), so the kinectless did nothing. We are yet to see how well the 399 bundle does but its not pre ordering well right now

and without that titanfall bundle the weekly average fell would be massive bigger. or would u denie that?

so the bundle caused a bump


january xb1 sales: 142k (4 weeks)

february xb1 sales: 258k (4 weeks)

march xb1 sales : 311k (5 weeks - 2k units drop per week form february --> 3,2% drop from previous month - wow)

april xb1 sales: 115k (4 weeks)

may xb1 sales:  77k (4 weeks - 2 tracked weeks with the new announced sku)

june xb1 sales: 197k (5 weeks, only 4 including both sku - 10k units bump per week from april --> 33,5% bump from april  )

july xb1 sales: 131k (4 weeks)


xb1 june to july drop = 26,5k units (~5,05k units a week --> 13,5% drop from previous month)

ps4 june to july drop (including tlofu sales bump) = 28k units (~5,1k units a week --> 10,5% drop from previous month)

so that is how u explain the kinectless sku failed to move units? becaus it dropped in a month, where all other dropped too. even they had a big exclusiv launch?



and we can clearly see. there was no february / march bump. why dropped april sp badly if the titanfall bundle didnt sell well?