Mr Puggsly said:
Your argument is weak. A game can still be profitable even if it sells a fraction of Mario. Ubisoft has continued to make 2D games because that don't need to sell mega numbers to be profitable. Zombi U managed to sell 700k because it was a hyped launch title. Ryse managed to sell about a million units for the same reason. But how have other M rated games on Wii U performed? Wii ports were vastly inferior, but they still had more success than Wii U ports. Even if Wii U ports were at par PS360, they would still sell poorly. What is your point about Red Steel? That's another game that was hyped for a console launch. 3rd parties were at the party when Wii U launched, I don't know what you're babbling about. You want developers to make M rated games that appeal to Wii U fans. But developers have no interest in doing that, its too risky with little reward. Zombi U for example is not considered a success. ACIV selling 8+ million on Playstation and Xbox platforms is a great success. I don't feel like reading an opinion from someone that worked on an indie game, its not relevant. I doubt he wants to risk money on making big budget M rated games for Wii U. |
The problem isn't that they didn't come to the party. They come to a party too late and no one was there. Everyone who liked 3rd party games on Nintendo systems started moving on for the last 3 gens. More so in GCN and Wii days. Hence why he said "You reap what you sow."
You can't expect Nintend only gamers to just suddenly purchase a 3rd or 4th game in the series without playing the first 2.
Those who moved on are not going to buy the Wii U version because it lacks DLC etc... which they can get on the PS4/ONE at the same cost. I myself buy most my 3rd party on PS4 now that I got one of those.