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Gaming Discussion - nahhhhhh - View Post

pokoko said:
Brii said:
I hate how one person's inexcusable behavior is somehow justification to bash an entire movement and gender.

Yes, women can do horrible, selfish things too. But it should be the individual who deserves the ire and disgust, not (genuine) feminists or females as a whole. Most of us aren't man-hating nutjobs, and it's only the outspoken few. Any time I see anything involving women that could possibly be considered scandalous, such as the Zero Suit Samus Alts, I see more people getting up in arms about the supposed complaints from 'feminazis' than I see people actually complaining (Tumblr notwithstanding, but if you go there, that's on you). It's frustrating seeing people on both sides being so irrational and uncompromising.

That said, if this is all true, this women and the men she used/was used by deserve plenty of scorn.

I agree with you.  It's frustrating.  Any difference of opinion and suddenly the insults start.  "Lonely pervs", "feminazis", "mysogynists", "man-haters", it's all the same crap.  The two extremes act like self-righteous children who restort to stereotypes and character assassination because they can't discuss points like adults.  It gets us nowhere.  I think that's why the "normal" people abandon topics like this, which is a shame.

Indeed. It's a shame, too, because these are topics that deserve and really kind of need serious dialogue in order to achieve anything. But everyone immediately gets on the defensive when it's brought up and it always comes down to a bitter and spiteful argument with no substance. Instead of this being a discussion about Zoe Quinn's behavior, this has devolved into "if this was a man feminazis would burn him at the stake!" and arguing against such knee-jerk reactions with more knee-jerk reactions. So many people are out for blood just because she's a woman, and because they want to prove there's a double standard (because somehow they only exist when they're in favor of women, I guess).

Not gonna even touch the other side of the argument, because that requires me to go to a deep dark void in the internet. I'm only here because of ze video games.