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Gaming Discussion - nahhhhhh - View Post

SqueakySamurai said:
Nicklesbe said:
SqueakySamurai said:

You clearly have your mind set on me being an MRA person so I don't know why I'm bothering but there is video proof of her admitting she cheated on him and you still are denying it. Why don't you try READING the blog post before posting anymore shit because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about.

What do you not understand about the fact that she may or may not have cheated is none of your business and has absolutly nothing to do with games or the game industry? That's why you are an MRA because you don't see her as a fallible person, instead you see her as an enemy that you need to attack and bash, and even start what looks like a crusade to make her look bad when what she did is none of your business and doesn't affect you in any way.

What do you not understand about the fact that it's about her having sex with important people in the industry? It's not about her cheating on her boyfriend, it's that she's may be using her body to get ahead. Let me repeat that again, IT'S NOT ABOUT HER CHEATING ON HER BOYFRIEND, IT'S ABOUT HER HAVING SEX WITH IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THE INDUSTRY TO GET AHEAD. The video was simply proof that she did cheat, not necessarily that she did it to get ahead.

Also, you are the only person here accusing anyone of affiliations. You have used the term MRA in all of your posts. Nobody here is trying to make this a gender issue, it's an issue with nepotism in the game industry. You seem to be the only person trying to make a gender problem out of this, accusing men of making shit up and saying it's all just lonely virgins and MRA's.

If its not about her cheating why bring it up? damn you are sad. You do realize there is absolutly no proof she actually used her body to get ahead. She had some relationships so what? You having nothing but the words of other people that know less about the situation then you. You have made it a gender issue since your first post. Not once have you said anything bad about the 5 men that supposedly particapted. Instead all you did was give them a free pass and attack her and treat her like the bad guy when you don't even fully know what really happened. It's more than obvious what you are and what you are doing and its frankly sad.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)