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Gaming Discussion - nahhhhhh - View Post

At first I thought this thread is some kind of bad satire, but it seems some people here are really true about accuse this woman?

Do some people really not see the difference? If someone insults an other person in public like the blond haired guy did it is normal that he apologies and some medias write about it. If someone is cheating on his/her boyfriend like the blue hair girl perhaps did it is a private problem of these two people.

It seems the only one who accused her of fucking with kotaku editor for good press is her boyfriend, really not the most independent source. And it seems there is no fucking evidence that this woman has done anything, only her boyfriend claims. And jilted men or women sometimes claims untrue things about their ex. Perhaps she did nothing with the editor or she did it because the kotaku editor has a nice eyes or a big cock, even then it is their private fun.