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MGS1 was great. MGS2 was mind blowing. And MGS3 was disappointing.

 Will MGS4 live up to the standards that 2 set before itself? I mean the complex, intricate and socially and politically charged story.  The numerous plot twists. The great backstories of different characters that was missing from MGS3. An also the deep philosophical messages that were fleshed out beyond even MGS1's and were sorely lacking in MGS3. (Personally the philosophical teachings is the main attraction to the series for me)

 Will MGS4 live up to depth of MGS2 with a slightly better presentation?

 MGS2 remains the first and only post modern game ever made and I hope MGS4 will contain those post modern elements as well. There have been numerous essays on MGS2, most noteably James Howels which MGS3 didn't warrant with it's stripped down plot. I hope MGS4 will be a game to warrant analysis and writing with the deepest storyline since MGS2. This 1up quote gives hope for that -This game deserves a thesis, not a moment-by-moment walkthrough of what you'll be experiencing yourself come June 12.

Though this  quote from Gamepro is a little confounding. -Fans of the first Metal Gear Solid will doubtlessly approve of the storyline developments, but we don't dare go into too many specifics. What do they mean?

 Nonetheless I can't wait for this game.