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padib said:
Mr Puggsly said:

DK is another top selling IP. Ubisoft certainly did not have those kind of sales expectations for Rayman. The days of Rayman selling millions of units are over. Sonic also struggles to do the same.

We don't know the budget of ZombiU but Ubisoft said it failed. 700k generally isn't enough to make a AAA game profitable. If it was, THQ would probably be around.

The Wii U audience came to that console for Nintendo games. Not another platform to play CoD and Assassin's Creed.

If the Wii U simply did a better job at moving core software, support would continue. 3rd parties have already taken risks on Wii U, the console got some cool games because of those risks, but support ultimately failed.

I think we're both funneling down to the bottom line. "AAA" multiplats don't sell well on Nintendo consoles, so stop trying to sell them.

The conclusion that "mature" games don't sell on Nintendo consoles though doesn't follow. There's one thing to be a mature game, another to be a quote unquote "AAA" multiplat.

Support ultimately failed, but it's not the end of the story. The U still has many years ahead of it, with full Nintendo support and then support from intelligent indie studios and hopefully some rare smart big studios which learn how to make money on Nintendo's system.

They know how to make money on the PSX1, they just don't know how to do it on Nintendo's home console. I'm sure someone smart will emerge, it happens every gen.

Wow, so even though no mature game has yet been successful on the Wii U, ignoring it would be stupid for such games?


Just a suggestion: Never try to manage a business.