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I can see where he's going with the article.  Of course, different people have different opinions and the market will go with the majority.  That's business.

I certainly wouldn't fit in the 'Wii Mainstream' as I'm not that impressed with the games it has produced.  I originally had planned on buying a Wii, but now I don't see any reason to.  Don't get me wrong, I love playing Wii Sports and WarioWare with a group of friends.  The Wii's a great social gaming platform and I applaud the Wii for that.  However, if I want to really play a game, if I want to sit down and play a game for an hour, the Wii doesn't have anything extra to offer.  Yes, the Wii has Zelda: Twilight Princess, but that's the only game off the top of my head that I would want to play.

It's my opinion that games have been dumbed down over the years.  Games seem to have gotten easier and game storylines, the pinnacle for RPGs of old,  have been deluded into the beautifully rendered background (obviously I'm not jabbing the Wii for this).  I attribute this to the market.  The market allowed this to happen.  I don't see the games being made for the Wii as that innovative (I'm not talking about how you play the game, but the game itself).  The controller seems to be more of a gimic than anything else designed primarily for party games.