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List of PS4 "Innovations" 

-DVR capibilites. recording 15 minutes of gameplay and uploading them in a touch of a button. (XB1 only offers DVR capaibilites this gen along with PS4, WiiU doesnt)

- Streaming gameplay. streaming is big now, whether people accept it or not. (again, XB1 offers streaming, WiiU doesnt)

- Game Streaming (PS Now). for those who arent interested in the service, let me tell you this, i am not either, however you cant deny that this is something that PS4 offers, and the others dont. even after all those claims of MS with the "powa of da cloud". 

- Virtual Reality. a completely new way of experiencing gaming, and so far, Sony is the only one doing it. whether you like it or not the potential of VR is huge, and PS4 is at the forefront when it comes to VR on consoles.

- Share Play. a wonderful feature that lets any of your friends play a game on your console through the internet. this is a first, new and awesome feature when it comes to sharing games, playing co-op or playing online together. and niether the XB1 or WiiU are doing it.

1.)  X1 had DVR capabilities (so not innovative).

2.) X1 has gameplay streaming too.

3.) While this is inovative, PS Now is comming to PS3 & other devices such as smart TVs & Computers even, so it isn't really a PS4 specific inovation.

4.)  VR is inovative, buuuuuut, Playstation is not the only folks doing this, nor were they the first.  Oculus Rift was the first to really take off, and typically the first people to come out with a viable new technology are considered the true 'inovators', and every one else just copies them.  Also the VR headset doesn't come with every PS4, so once again it would not even be the PS4 itself that is inovative here, but rather the headset itself.  It would be like saying X360 was inovative because of Kinect when Kinect was clearly an optional accessory.

5.)  Only thing on the list that I thought was truly inovative.