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(Let me begin by pointing out, to avoid any confusion, that these charts keep track of sales trends, not overall sales, meaning that something at Spot Number One on the chart is only there because it sold the most in the past hour or so, not in total.)

Out of my usual borderline fanatical interest in keeping track of sales trends, company behavior, etc, etc, I've been keeping an eye on the Destiny bundle on Amazon, off and on, for a couple of months now; for a long time, it was the only bundle on the store, however, and so it really had nothing to compete against. All that could be said with any certainty was that it was being outsold by Playstation 4 purchases on Amazon, (which hugs the top-10 to top-5 region like a stubborn cat in a tree,) but it was outselling Kinectless Xbox One purchases, which tended to range between spot 20-35, and though for the last month or two it rarely, if ever touched the top-10, the Destiny bundle nonetheless always seemed to hover around the top 20, top 30 on bad days, and always (when I checked) sat above the Xbox One.

So when the new Xbox bundles were released for pre-order on Amazon, I started keeping a closer eye on the charts, to see how they fared.

The first day or two, both bundles were quite high on the list; in the beginning, I saw them at spots 4 and 5, meaning they outsold the Playstation 4 base console, and handily outsold the Destiny bundle, but didn't outsell the 3 Playstation gift cards that usually jockey for position at the top 3. It is possible that earlier on they were at the very top, but if it's the case, they dropped to lower spots within less than 24 hours. The Destiny bundle, meanwhile, middled around the top 15-25 spots, the same 'adequate performance' it had shown for awhile now.

Fast forward to today, after several days of steadily dropping down the list, the Call of Duty bundle is somewhere around spot 26, and the Sunset Overdrive bundle is at spot 42. PS4 Destiny bundle is at spot 12, and while occasionally it has dipped into the 30s during the last few months, it has actually spent quite a bit of its (far longer) time on the charts at spot 19 or higher. Basically, dear God, the Destiny bundle has LEGS. o_o

What is particularly interesting is the performance of the Xbox One's base console; while the PS4 continued to hug the top 10 of the charts, even as the Destiny bundle sold quite well, the Xbox One's Kinectless 399 dollar model sharply dropped through the charts since the bundles released, currently sitting at spot 52. (The chart suggests this is an improvement from its last position, so presumably it was lower than 52 earlier.) It suggests that, (likely due to the fact that the Sunset Overdrive bundle is literally a Free Game bundle, while the Destiny bundle has only a minor discount,) the SO bundle's successes are being offset by a decline in regular Xbox One sales far more than the PS4's. That or the PS4's base sales were so large, they barely showed a drop in charts from having a chunk taken out of them. Which is a scary thought. O___O


In conclusion... Destiny bundle is going to move loooots of units. @_@

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.