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If something else noteworthy had come out (since the rest of July was WIDE OPEN as usual smh) then I'm sure it would have beaten out TLoU. I hate how pubs won't release anything for 3 months. If it's a quality title and the marketing is done right it will do well ESPECIALLY since those 3 months are DRY and OPEN. PS4 got a nice sales boost during the traditional flatline period.

See it's good for hardware and software when they get out of the crowd and give some jumps during traditionally dead times of the year. I know that people go outside in the Summer but jesus there's 16 hours of time every day I'm sure there are more people like me who don't spend all of them working and going outside and just want something new to play when they come in for the evening (TV shows are dry in the Summer as well).

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers