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baloofarsan said:

I am just curious. I know little on the legal importance of copyright

How to read this document on Nintendo and third party copyright.

It looks to me as a layman like copyright of The Last Story is shared or does it mean something else?

The Last Story

©2011-2012 Nintendo/MISTWALKER

Do you know enough about copyright law to give an answer that a layman can understand?


That will only cover Nintendo UK.  Not NCL in Japan.   Which is the one that truly matters.

It's also unknown if that copyright covers just the title, the game design, characters or the whole IP.  But again, that's still UK (maybe PAL) only.

Here's one way to look at it.  XSEED had to go to Nintendo, not Mistwalker, for US publishing and distribution.  Another factor, Nintendo are the entity that applied for the trademarks for the game, not Mistwalker.

The rEVOLution is not being televised