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shams said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Uncharted & R & C have shown brilliant legs

I guess its a question of definition? Uncharted selling 30k (worldwide) in its 20th week - pretty good performance I guess. It squeaks in at #49 on the weekly (worldwide) charts - and I count 25 titles above it, which have been out for 20 weeks or more. Twilight princess at 71 weeks is outselling it?

Motorstorm is doing a much better job (now 3m sales), even though it is partially bundled.

Its no comparison to CoD4 (360), which is doing really well (outselling Uncharted in same period by around 4:1).


R&C I disagree with. The game is a borderline "failure", given how big the franchise is and the expectations of the title. Its sitting pretty at #79 worldwide charts, with weekly sales of 20k (after 20 weeks).

If you consider R&C to have "legs", then these titles have "better" legs:

 - Sight Training, Lego StarWars (Wii), Rayman II (Wii) - a game no one has talked about at all (etc)


The very best legs? Ignoring WiiSports + WiiPlay - it has to be Nintendogs (3 years on market, still 60k/week sales). Brain Training is up there as well. DS is still "legs king" this generation, and that won't change. 

legs are defined differently by different people. RE4 Wii sells 25-30k a week, but it has been doing that for 9 months. If UC can maintain where it is now, it would be considered good legs.

RRR2, LegoSW: TCS, Smarty Pants, Cooking Mama, Big Brain Academy don't have amazing sales each week like COD4, but they don't seem to be slowing like normal games, therefor they have legs.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut