Dont worry. It is similar to what the music industry dealt with. You have "indie" bands. I have more fun seeing bands like Broken Bells (indie rock right the same as child of Light is Indie), New Pornographers, St. Vincent, The National, Black Rebel Motorcycle club, Kurt Vile etc. Bands labeled "indie" only because they arent stadium rock and play smaller venues they are perceived as "less" the same as indie games are perceived as "less". Then bands like Arcade fire (like minecraft) come out and transcend indie and arena rock, rare but standouts.
Eventually, just like the music industry, we will have high quality "indie" games on smaller budgets (smaller venues) where people who "get it" will have way more fun than the bozos seeing coldplay and nickelback in arenas. Where the same as indie bands are actually signed or touring on the back of large company subsidiaries via WB or BMI, "indie" games are going to be funded and held afloat to be profitable by larger companies.
Just like music, "indie" games and "indie" concerts can be just as long and are in my opinion more enjoyable than AAA and stadium rock. You get more concerts (games) and dont have to whine and complain for the one show a year because you only want to see U2, Nickelback, coldplay or Kings of Leon.
Open up, enjoy games and stop being stupid.