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sundin13 said:

Look, I've explained my point a bunch of times. When you say stuff like "Now we are harvesting what we cultivated" I have to call BS. The publishers are the one "harvesting what [they've] cultivated" by constantly reducing consumer faith in their products. Yes, a good game does come around once in a blue moon, but we were trained to be skeptical. It is not our job to take leaps of faith with out money, we have to be given a reason to trust these publishers and we have not. 

"We cannot demand anything from them": But that is our job as consumers! Our job is to say that we deserve better. Our job is to let these companies know that we will not settle. Our job is not to kiss their feet when they throw us table scraps. Yes, it will not be easy to change the minds of consumers and instill faith, but in taking this risk, in building this healthier eco-system, they can create a better environment for themselves and us long-term. 

It is absolutely ridiculous to say that we should have to buy Watch_dogs in order to get something better than the way we were treated. I've said this multiple times already, but it is not the consumer's job to accept the shit that we are being fed. Not buying the game says just as much as buying the says that we aren't happy with the way we are being treated, however, that will likely lead to Ubi abandoning the platform and I am saying that while I understand the short term ideals behind that move, it will not provide the most beneficial long term result and that result is the fault of the Publisher, not the consumer. 

Finally, the fact that the Directors cut was $20 extra on Wii U is absolute bullshit, and is just another thing that should not be supported by consumers. Just look at all of the shit publishers have pulled over the last few years, like DRM and online passes. If the entire industry was as complacent as you seem to want Nintendo fans to be, we would be in a significantly worse situation. 

My point (once again) is that an environment that can sustain 3rd party games can be created on Nintendo consoles (and yes, I know that it is not there now), however, the Publishers are taking the short term solution (and easy way out) by simply abandoning the platform at the first sign of trouble. A better course of action is available and the fact that it has not been followed is the fault of the Publishers, not the consumers. 

I think we are hurting more from NOT getting the games at all, than they are of not losing money because we don't buy the games anyway.

We can tell them we deserve better, if we bought the product in the first place and making it better could mean selling more, saying we deserve better and not buying anything is just give them reasons to not try at all and that is exactly what is happening, and I would rather have good but not perfect versions of the games, than no version at all.

We are not beign fed shit, is not like the Wii U version of the game is unplayable, or unenjoyable, sometimes is just a few frame drops, sometimes is a useless feature that is missing, but Nintendo fans consider it "shitty" versions, when they are just unpolished ports, will they use more time to get them better, sure they will! but only if the effort (that costs more money) represents more sells, but if with the current effort, that is not cheap anyway, they are not getting any positive results why should they expend more to get the same or worst results.

Deus Ex was 20 U$ more costly, now is the same and it has exclusive features, is the game selling now? did it make any money for the publisher? no and no. So why bother with the new Tomb Raider? no reason at all. They gave up and I agree with them.

You already are biased against 3rd party efforts on the console, have you bought many? have you seen the quality of the games? or you are just judging from the distance? some companies did an effort and we cannot convince more to do it if those extremely rare cases of good quality go and sold the poors amounts that it did. We just have to accept that Nintendo consoles are bought to play Nintendo games, and go out for a second console, and hope that Nintendo can survive this generation by themselves. I did my part, I bought the games, I even helped sale more of those games to my country men that cannot get them on official stores, but now I can only cross my fingers and start saving for a complementary console or PC, nothing else. I cannot demand anything from them because they will just show me the awful numbers that they have and I will agree that they made the right decision.