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NewGuy said:
PS4 numbers are lower than everyone thought. Hopefully TLOUR and stuff like Diablo and Madden can get its sales to pick up a bit in August.

The good news for MS is that the PS4 is not in beast mode (yet?) in the US. The XBO is just ~750K behind the PS4 in the US, so XBone can still catch up to it. There are 3 bundles coming up for XBO, Madden, COD, and SO. MS has a chance to win August with the Madden bundle, little chance in September (due to Destiny's bundle).

MS can still win in the US. Wii + PS3 + 360 sold about 109.3M in the US. WiiU + PS4 + XBO sold about 9.4M, so, even with a market contraction due to Wii - WiiU, there are still a lot of consoles left to be sold here. I feel this Holiday will be extremely important as the snowball effect, which right now is small and going the PS4's way, may get huge and impossible to stop after the holidays. MS has shown their cards for the holidays and how aggressive they'll be, we may even get some sort of BF deal. Sony hasn't shown anything yet besides the Destiny bundle and lots of people are expecting a GTAV bundle as well. Will be interesting to see.

Ohhh and PS3 and 360 need a price drop pronto. $200 for those consoles at this point is highway robbery. $149, or even better, $129 for it please.

I doubt either Sony or Microsoft are interested in losing money on selling PS3/360's so no price cuts till the next cpu/gpu shrink late next year.