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Intrinsic said:
DanneSandin said:
Seriously, how many people, this early in a generation, owns BOTH the XBone AND the PS4?! It has to be a small percent, and keep in mind that with a total sale of 15m units between both systems... that's not a lot of people. I mean, they have almost exactly the same games on them, their BIG exclusive titles haven't hit the stores yet.

Polygon is trying to sell this deal to us through a thin coat of "logic". That's a BS article. Stupid as fuck

Stupid as fuck is an understatement. i mean when articles are that mindless you really have to start wondering about the site that puts them up and what their real motices are. There are just so many obvious things wrong with that article and I didnt even read all of it.

Whats funny is that at no point did the site point out the obvious. Tomb raider has always sold better on sony platforms and more importantly, right now the PS4 has a 2:1 global lead on the XB1 long before even going into the holiday season. By the time this game is out, if the PS4 keeps itslead, we could have over  25M PS4s to the XB1s 14M. 

I mean the best explanation, and I doubt no one will fault it; is that it makes no sense for TR to release around the same month with Uncharted 4. So a delay on PS4 will do them some good. Thats all polygon had to say but they give this Bs article and somehow suggest that 50% of all gamers have both consoles???????!! That basically means that everyone that owns an XB1 right now also ons a PS4 lol.

While I think the article brings up some good points (SE wants PROFIT, not units sold, although more often than not that's the same thing) but it comes across as a despicable defensive article that no one should be taking it seriously. Who the fuck wrote this and who the fuck thought it was a good idea to publish it? If I was the one responsible I would have re-written it, so that it didn't sound like ass licking

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.