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I like it better than the Wii, and N64 and NES already.

Right now it's right behind the SNES and GCN.

Comparing it to the Wii: Better Donkey Kong Game, Better Mario Kart, A Pikmin which happens to be the best in the series. Unless something crazy happens, like Zelda U sucking or No Metroid being released, then it has beat the Wii. Also, Smash 4 will be better than Brawl, so there is that. Also Splatoon, and other new Ip's push it ahead in other ways.

Compared to the N64: Better 3D Mario, actual 2D Mario. Pikmin, etc. I feel like the N64 has aged really poorly as a console. Revolutionary for it's time, but now most of it's games are unplayable, or have received much much improved sequels.

The NES has just aged really poorly. I don't like much of anything on it because of the insane diffuclty, shoddy graphics, etc. Still has some great gems like the Mega Man games, and SMB3, but really not even close to the rest of Nintendo's consoles.

The Super Nintendo is still beating the Wii U at this point. It has one of the best Metroid games of all time, as well as one of the best Zelda and Mario games of all time. Lot's of great third party, etc. It will be hard for any console to beat the SNES. It's not personally my favorite, but looking at the system objectively, it will be pretty hard to beat.

The GCN is my favorite console of all time. It has my two favorite Metroid games ever, my favorite Zelda ever(WW), the best Smash Bros by far, the best Paper Mario game(which is also one of the greatest games of all time), two amazing Pikmin games, an absolutely godlike controller, cool third party like Timesplitters 2, SSX, Luigi's Mansion, Baten Kaitos, Rogue Squadron,Soul Caliber 2 with link, Wave Race, FZero GX, Eternal Darknessetc. It really is just a Godlike console for my gaming tastes. I think the Wii U has a better 3D Mario, Better Kart, Better Donkey Kong, and Better Pikmin, but it still has a ways to go before it beats the GCUBe. I think it can be done though.