JPL78 said: This desperate bullshit, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why Xbox is losing market share rapidly. It's not the hardware or their games. It's the company. It's the skeezy shit like this they try to pull. |
Really? I thought you don't slag MS? You said I should call people out when the spout BS... Well, OK...
You said you were a gamer... you said you don't slag MS... LOL... You're a gamer when Sony does stuff but when MS does you take the opportunity to call their stuff "Sleezy Shit"... How is it sleezy to get a game exclusive or timed exclusive to your platform? You're just pissed because you didn't buy the platform it will ship first on...
You think Sony didn't pay to get Bloodbourne as an exclusive?
What about Sony's practices with DriveClub? It ain't 1080p / 60 FPS nor day/night cycles, nor highly customizable... All targeted or advertised...
I guess its sleezy to get Activision to exclusively provide a year's timed exclusivity for all Destiny DLC? And Battlefield Hardline DLC timed exclusivity?
Where is The Last Guardian? How many years has Sony promised this game is "still coming"
Where is The Agent? Wasn't that a third party exclusive Sony promised? Oh, and they have yet to deliver...
How about the removal of dual-boot on PS3? That was an important choice for gamers until they removed it...
Didn't they copy X360 Achievements by making trophies?
How about the dropping of BC in the PS3? So they could sell "HD Collections"!
How about the three weeks that PSN was down a few years back?
They even recycle a one year old game and call it TLOU Re-mastered... LOL... And they promised 60 FPS but the game can't hold it, so they give a solid 30 FPS option!
How about their PS3 promise of 1080p and 120 FPS games on the PS3?
How is their support in games for Move this generation?
How about their flip-flop on charging for online gaming?
I could go on all day...
The fact is Sony is a company just like MS and they will take advantage of you and do just as much "sleezy shit" as MS does. You are so delusional...
-Mr Khan