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"Let's assume a market of 100 people, because the math is easy. Maybe 25 people will only own the Xbox One. Maybe 25 people will only own the PS4. It's also very possible that 50 of those people own both consoles."

The math in this article ...

They're going to need to prove to me that the percentage of dual-console owners is even CLOSE to that, this early in the generation.

This is just very badly written. It takes a massive amount of supposition and uses that to reach a conclusion. No doubt Square is trying to lower costs while increasing their margins but it's impossible to argue the details of that when those details are unknown.

"So there you have it. Square Enix will likely make more money on Rise of the Tomb Raider due to this deal, which means more Tomb Raider games, which makes me happy as a fan of the franchise. It also means that the PS4 version will likely include more content for less, which will lead to greater overall sales. It's a great deal, and very little of the actual audience is being turned away."

It also contradicts itself here, as it mentions Square GIVING AWAY content that people would need to pay for if they bought the game Day One.

Hm. Maybe Polygon thinks all these Wii U delays are in order to sell more copies?