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Nobody here was skilled enough to beat the original Rayman? Not surprised


I guess i will be the 1st individual to have defeated and dethroned the original Rayman on vgc. I thought you guys were supposed to be beasts!?


Anyway, I have Super Meat Boy and it's nice. I have already DEFEATED Donky Kong Tropical Freeze. I beat it in like 2 or 3 days and i had like 98 lives when i beat it. There was like 2 or 3 levels that i died a good number of time on but it wasn't anything serious.


In Rayman, i have like 19 lives, 5 continues  and i'm at Twilight Gulch. You don't understand how proud i am of those 19 lives at this point of the game lol. In Tropical Freeze, i was thinking " what the hell am i going to do with these 98 lives? THE CHAD DADDY AINT NO BITCH NOW! They might aswell would've did away with the life system completely 



I will see about Knack when i get my white PS4