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I was looking through the Smash Bros. Brawl chronicle and noticed that Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Donald Duck and Popeye had their games mentioned in the Game & Watch section. I found that very odd (and kind of cool), considering they are properties of Disney (Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck), Turner Entertainment (Popeye), and Peanuts LLC (Snoopy). Does Nintendo own the rights to those Game&Watch games, or were they just paying tribute to the most popular G&W games of that year (1983)? The SSBB chronicle does not include other popular games such as Super Mario Bros. and Zelda, so why have those games? 31 Game & Watch games are in the Chronicle, and there are 60 Game & Watch games in total from 1980 to 1991, and of those 31 games, 5 of them contain those 4 characters.

What do you think?
