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Nicklesbe said:
Ronster316 said:
"the usual suspects" sticking their nose in and coming to the defence of a fellow pro sony guy.

Further proves in my mind that i was right.

Seems to me like it's perfectly acceptable on here to advise people not to get an xbox one or talk it down by saying garbage like "it has no games that appeal to me"

If i was to say "the ps4 has no games that appeal to me" people would be out for blood.

Again, double standards at its finest.

I'll leave it at that in this thread, because no doubt somonelse will come along and try and rile me up in order to get me banned again.

Maybe you are just taking things too personally?  People wouldn't be out for blood if you said that, I doubt anyone would care. There is often way more bashing on Sony in these forums, but for the sake of fairness lets say it's equal, as someone that owns both I find it hilarious when either way. The most dedicated in either camp usually say the same things and are often wrong. If you have such a hard time with the site and if all you can see where ever you look are Sony fans, maybe Sony is doing something right and the reasons for your hate are empty? Or perhaps you may have some slight paranoia? Either way you may be happier if you stick to Xbox official forums if you can't handle dissenting opinions. It would be better than getting banned all the time at least. All I'm saying is if ya really care about games, then care about games and devs and don't put so much stock in the console companies that ultimately don't matter. That's just my opinion tho as someone that's gamed on every platform since the late 80's.

I appreciate what you are saying....... but as far as i'm concerned, you see far more occasions where sony fans take "jabs" at the xbox as opposed to the other way around.

I also appreciate you mentioning that perhaps i should stick to xbox forums, well, as a multi console owner for 32 years now, i don't see any reason why i should be isolated to just one section of this site.

If other folk can come and go as they please and treat it like the wild west, then why can't i?

The amount of "button pushing" that some sony fans do may just surprise you if you read deeper in to what they post.

Agian, i appreciate your post though