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I thought it was an interesting observation so ive posted a few facts.

Gran turismo for ps3 takes number 1 spot in others

Crisis Core for psp takes number 1 spot in north america

Monster hunter for psp takes number 1 spot in japan


Number 1 spot for all regions but interestingly enough its different games in each, while this is just one week or sales it seems the ps3  in NA and others and psp mainly in japan have been gainning a bit of momentum since the start of the year. Will either of Sonys consoles make a comeback and start leading the sales chart more regularly? Or will the ds and wii always reign supreme? What do you think?

Personaly im happy to see psp doing good, i hope and i think its very much possible that it will continue its momentum and get good hardware sales at least, maybe software will start improving in the long term aswell.