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I've owned a PSP for about 10 months now, a DS for about 4 months. So while I may have some bias toward the system I had longer, I would have to go with the PSP. I'm very much a nostalgia gamer and love playing revamped remakes, and Jeanne D'arc was simply the best handheld game I've played all gen. GoW and CC:FF have been keeping me busy as of late and there's been no shortage of great gaming on the PSP as of yet for me. The PSP, at times, replaced my consoles as my gaming choice at home.

That being said, there has been no shortage of great gaming on the DS at all, and I seriously doubt there ever will be in the near future. So far, it has been the best of the two for on-the-go gaming. Elite Beat Agents probably being my favourite of the type, there are countless others that well suited that void. And to be fair, I havent yet played as many DS titles as I have PSP.

Of course, once FFIV and DQIX come out, I will be saying the exact opposite.