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As i did a review for Microsoft earlier i will also do one for Sony's as well.

Imfamous First Light expantion pack. Looks great. This time with a female character. Pretty much the same as the main game, but thats to be expected.

The Order 1886, this game is my personal favorite. Looking awesome. Aliens, Accient times, strange weapons, 3rd person shooter. Too bad though its feb 20 instead of holiday 2014 like they said at first. But still looking forward to this game.

Little Big Planet 3: Extra ppl to choose in this version compared to the first 2 editions all with diff abilities. Should be a lot of fun again, but it does seem a bit the same as the first 2 versions as well.

Bloodborn: Just Wow, graphics look awesome, Great game, another game a lot of ppl will look forward too. Hack n Slash with a bit of guns too. Great big bosses.

A movie now comes with a lot of games in one movie. Looking awesome, its a great movie. The games change too quickly to tell them all. (I see batman, destiny, racing game, uncharted 4 and many many more). This is for the Players ending (This is the new PS4 commercial)

Over 10 million units sold this is more then vgchartz is at. To Consumers.

A while about indies from here:

q-games:  a few indie games in a row: Tomorrow Children looks like some sort of lemmings 3d. --- The vanished, not sure, looks like some adventure game. Volume, stealth game. looks like everything is made from paper. Really dunno what to think of this. It looks weird to me. Another game, but i didnt see this right Also Runemaster, a game already available on PC, now also coming to consoles

HellBlade Hack and Slash from makes of heavenly sword and DMC, ninja theory, looking awesome. But this is a trailer, didnt see any gameplay. Looking forward to this.

Next some cartoony game, Rime. not sure what this willl be. And after that again some more indie games in a row in one movie., so far glad the indies are spreaded over the presentation.

Destiny: This game doesnt need any explanation, 1st person shooter with mmo parts also in it, probably the best selling game of the year. (Not my kind of game since im not into 1st person shooters) but it does look awesome. 1st expantion will be already in december. Called Dark Below

Farcry 4, another shooter: Looks awesome, 1st person shooter (again not a game for me), 10 keys to keyrat, you can invite 10 ppl for free to farcry for 2 hours without them owning the game to a coop match, this is an awesome exclusive to PS.

Shadow of Mordor, a awesome looking trailer. with exclusive content to PS. (This is an assasins creed like game, just in Lord of the Rings time)

Metal Gear Solid 5 - Phanton Pain. 3rd person stealth game, looking awesome. I had to laugh at the guy in the box haha.Many options with that box. More laughing with a nice looking model on the box hahaha a ps4 hat hahaha.

PT: An horror game, this game got me interested, teaser online right away. Hope to see more about this in the future.

Youtube upload abilties, with shareplay, too bad for PS+ members. You can give other ppl control over your games, as long they are both PS+ member. Sounds great, others dont need to have the game. Playstation TV for 99

Until Dawn: Exclusive to PS4. Horror game, Looks great, another game that got my interest. Flying heads, blood. NICE!

Driveclub. You can watch friends through a phone app. Dynamic Weather looks awesome in this race game. Looks like a lot of fun.

Tearaway: everything looks like paper cut things. Looks boring to me, but i think kids like this.. The light bar on the controller can make you shine into the game itself. Has a bit of LBP in it (wich is not weird, since its also from MM), but then worser graphics. The interaction with the toughpad does look interesting, but again more for little kids.

Alienation: Some all in shootfest, Diablo kinda view, everyone shooting everyone. Hectic, but could be fun. Cant really judge this enough yet.

Wild: open world game, with cavemen and lots of animals, looks great, but didnt see enough to judge it yet.

Conclusion: Everything looked nice, got me caught up till the end. BUT i missed Uncharted 4. Where is it? This was a bit of a let down to me. Also i expected something about Morpheus, wich didnt came up. On the other end, a lot really a lot of exclusives wich got me excited.

8/10 for me personally, could been higher with Morpheus and Uncharted 4 (yes i know i saw 2 seconds of this in the PS4 commercial at the beginning, but i expected more)

Edit: Adding my later post to this post but i will not change my score cause of it though.:

Now when i come to think about it, i know why they didnt show Morpheus and Uncharted 4
At the beginning the guy said..... Everything we show will be released in the next 6 months.

Uncharted is holiday 2015, and Morpheus no clue when that will be. So that prolly explains why it was not shown.
Microsoft on the other hand was already showing things Holiday 2015. Big difference there