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thismeintiel said:
Interestingly, I think something that some think is a plus for the One, EA Access, is actually going to turn gamers off of the One. I bet EA will have the gall to put a lot of the content for their games behind a paywall, but only for the One. I mean, why not? We have gone an entire gen of Xbox fans defending having to pay to access things other console providers have allowed access to free of charge, instead of demanding access be free for them, too. You reap what you sow.

However, EA WILL NOT have the balls to keep that content from players on this gen' s lead console. That's where greatly more sales and potential buyers of DLC are, anyway. To do so would be suicidal. Sony knew where they were headed with this program, and also knew it would lead to less value in PS+ if every publisher had their own service, so they said no. MS was looking for ANYTHING that would look like a plus for the One, even if it might hurt them long term.

I realy hope xbox fans wise up, cuz if they dont this cant hurt the industry. It will hurt xbox the most since EA games where always preferd by xbox players, but as you said others will do it and sony might cave.

I fear for the day the big 3 publishers put paywalls and we have to pay $90  a year on top of online services for any console to not get a gimped expirience. When that happens it will be ninendos time to shine, but whatever. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.