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I have come to the conclusion that the gamer universes collective mind has just imploded because something happened that makes absolutely no sense, but it happened.

EA did something that is an incredibly great deal and value for gamers.

BF4, Madden 25, and FIFA 14 on Xbox One combined on Ebay (which is the cheapest) would run you about $80. Peggle is another $10. Garden Warfare is next which is a $30 game. We will most likely get UFC and maybe 3 or 4 other games in that next year, maybe more. On top of that you get early access to games, which unlike demos will allow you to play the full game, and then some bonus 10% discounts.

So what we are left with is a gamer community that is having a hard time digesting what has happened in recent weeks. EA which historically has been the worst game company for consumers, came out and did something bold that is great for consumers. EA had to do something drastic to change their image and this is exactly what they needed.

As for it hurting the industry, that's just stupid. I would pay Ubisoft $30 a year if they gave me AC4, Rayman Legends, and Child of Light, with some more to come later. No problem. That's would be amazing. I am normally someone who only gets disc based games but if the downloads are going to be this cheap then I am all in.