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nice thread. I like looking at Data and making assumptions based on it. (that is my Job in real world)

What stands out most to me is XB1 games rise in a similar pattern as PS4 games, but once release it hits rock bottom fast. PS4s have an initial big drop then tapper off. Best examples you showed were WaDo PS4 and WaDo XB1, and then Titanfall and Infamous.

The assumptions I make from are
-More people are still waiting to get PS4s (possibly back in March they were still trying to find one), while the people who want a game for the XB1 have the system and are buying sooner thus reducing the "most wanted" status.

-XB1 owners are more "core" type gamers, they know the game they want then get it, to me this is a big deal, I think it is showing more mainstream gamers shifting back to the Playstation, but I think this will allow the XB1 to have a higher attach rate.

These assumptions can lead to predictions- like
1. PS4 demand (not nessecarily sales due to possibly supply issues) will increase more % wise during the holidays than XB1 (mainstream effect)
2. As a general rule PS4 games will open comparably to XB1 versions of the same game (XB1 bigger when you account for install base differences), but will have better legs (even when adjusted to account for most console sales)

Anyways thanks for the data, looks like a lotta work but it seems you are having fun doing it.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut