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Mr Puggsly said:
Nicklesbe said:
Mr Puggsly said:

What's the problem? He didn't claim everything in there was an exclusive. Nor did he mention every exclusive.

The problem is see is the term "so many exclusive titles". The reality is they only have a few and less and less are becoming exclusive.

There are more than "few" and he didn't mention every exclusive.

Even a certain Xbox competitor is getting less exclusives (than 7th gen) and allowing developers to put games on PC.

There is really not tho. They have a few at most exclusives.If your main competitor has more f2p games(I mean really f2p not ps+ and at this point is only a handful) then you have exclusives then you have a real problem. Which is where it stands right now. MS has the money so they need to invest more into their current devs and buy more. What they have now is not acceptable and it's reflected in the sales.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)