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Nicklesbe said:
I just gotta say I like your style toastboy. You always bring a smile to this fools face. I will say tho without comparing to any other system or any other games I really like Xb1's games. They are awesome. However I believe Xb1 seriously needs to step it up in games department. As someone that invested in the console I am not happy to see so many games move to PC. However I understand the devs need money too in order to make more games. So what I really need XB to do right now is treat their devs better and buy more devs so they can have more and better exclusives.

I like yo' opinion homie. I do not care if games come to PC as I am a gamer not someone who cares about other systems. I also like being confortable and having a big screen to play rather than looking at a weak PC screen (I don't want to buy an expensive PC) I think the Xbox One is far ahead of Xbox 360/PS3 in the games department in their corresponding timeframe. The biggest and Best franchises came to the new consoles much faster than the PS360. The only thing I am hoping for is a Gears of War Collection spring/summer next year before Halo 5. Wishful thinking.