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Apart from the 360, I dont think we've ever had a console that was beasting in software in its launch year(s)

XB1 has lots of games, but most have been received average/mediocre so far.

What sets the 360 apart imo, is that it had compelling software and lots of it. In that regard i think the Wii also had a really good launch, with its compelling software available from day 1.

XB1 and PS4 have been decent though. I think most current owners, who are early adopters, will be happy. But it seems that general consensus amongst the broader gaming audience is that the really compelling software and new experiences are yet to come.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|