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Fusioncode said:
5th Gen - PS1
6th Gen - PS2
7th Gen - 360
8th Gen - PS4

This is pretty much the best answer for the overall power of the libraries and what the consoles represented for their periods in time. The 360 from '05-'11ish was pretty much untouchable for that gen. PS3 late gen was the better console to own though for sure.

And none of this invalidates the alternative consoles. Gamecube, Dreamcast, OG Xbox, WiiU, etc all have some spectacular games. However, this gen will almost certainly be like some of the previous dominated gens, PS4 will end this gen with the largest library and the biggest amount of mind-blowing exclusives (AND the most powerful place to play games on console to boot).

I'll own a U and PS4 for sure, and will re-add an XB1 late-gen if they ever revive MechAssault. I don't gaf about Halo/Gears, Fable and Forza is dead to me (was disappointing enough for me to shit-can my XB1 lol).