Seece said:
Best E3 is A) opinion and B) worthless when it comes to actual sales, you know what does sell consoles? Games. You wanna know which console has significantly more games coming for it? Xbox One. And yes they count, they sell well on Xbox One showing they're pushing system sales. |
Let me try an experiment, Ill say something bad about nintendo and you try your hardest to say something bad about MS, Ill even help.
The Wii U is way overprice, wich is why I think its doing the worst since launch. $300 is far to much for a console that can only play nintendo games and the ocasional third party crap that was rejected by the ps4/x1. If it was at least $250, people can start seeing it as the secondary console. But all the games coming you have to admit than in comparison to last year wich had 2 games, it will do better, and no hype from the ps4/x1 launch.
The X1 is fighting a loosing battle with the ps4. You might not think it matters against the wii u but the audience that the x1 is targeting is the same as the ps4, so the better the ps4 does, the worst the x1 will do. This time it is unlikely that to all thouse third party games, people go and choose the x1 for them. If they want the x1 exclusives then they wont mind and get both on the x1, so in the end only people interested in the x1 exclusives will get the x1. If it was cheaper than the ps4 thas another story, but at parity? no way.
It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.