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RubberWhistleHistle said:
sully1311 said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:
i know im going to get extreme hate for this, but i genuinely cant understand why people are so excited about a remake of a year old game. and why people are so excited that its selling higher than it probably should.. i really really dont get it. i dont care what nintendo game gets remade, i would never be this hyped for a game ive already beat. can someone out there explain it to me without being sarcastic and aggressive? the reception this thing is getting seems unjustified to me.

There are probably a lot of people that owned a 360 before now own a PS4 and want to try this out for the first time? What's wrong about that?


and as a side note, if somebody wanted to play tlou so bad, why didnt they just get a ps3? way cheaper than spending 450 plus tax. so im not so sure that really has much to do with anything. i could be wrong though. it just seems a lot more reasonable to go the ps3 way..

One might assume that as people who have played most of the last gen games they want to play on 360 and or PC, they are not interested in buying another last gen machine and they are looking to buy a new gen machine. In which case buying the TLOUR bundle gets you a new gen machine with the added bonus of getting the most awarded game of all time. Makes complete sense to me. There are also people who have PS3 but never bought TLOU for whatever reason and they've decided that now is the time to move to the new generation, and hey I also get to play the best version of TLOU. 

The only person it really doesn't make sense for is the person who's already got and played TLOU on Ps3, and that's only 7 million people in the whole world.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix