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Which will sell more this holiday?

Things Halo has going for it:

-Bigger brand name

-Strong hardware sales

-Tier 2 countries

-Better value

-FPS genre is popular

-Halo 5 beta

-First Halo game(s) on the one

Ben said this game is as preordered as a main storyline Halo game. Expect first week sales to be at least 2.5 million with 4 million sold by years end


What Smash Bros U has going for it:

-Wii U has a year head start so more hardware has been sold

-Most Mario fans own a Wii U so Smash Bros will sell gangbustas the first couple weeks

-Smash Bros is going to have little competition with other games on the U

I expect first week sales to be 1.5 million and 3 million by years end. What do you toasty pandas think?