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Well, games running at sub 1080p resolutions on TVs that are 1080p look like they had some vaseline filter on them, the image is just not as clear, most people will notice the sub 1080p game look "off" if they have played only ps4 titles rescently.... All the pixel counters are doing is telling why the image is not as clear, and by how much the resolution was cut.


for the frame rates, often it's more subtle, as they're closer, but there are two extreme examples, thomb raider:de is locked at 30 fps and the new sniper elite game has serious drops and tearing on xb1 only...

thechical superiority as a pretty good reason to buy a gaming system, especially if it has the games you want anyway, why even bother with the weaker machine? This is not a serious conversation to have, all the numbers did was confirm that the leaked specs made sense.

things like 1080p with good frame rates and image quality are expected on the ps4, very few games stray away from that formulae, on xb1 you have to ask yourself if it can really run some of the games released on it.