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Depends on how much you value platformers, I guess.

Hack n' slash, RPGs, fighting games, action adventure games, co-op shooters, even Mushou games, the PS4/XO will win those categories easily, as well as many others.

I very strongly disagree with the OPINION that, "Nintendo are by far the best 1st party developerer and have the best exclusves," but I have no problem admitting that they rule platformers with an iron mushroom. If that genre is one of your priorities, there you go. If your fancy is tickled by just about anything else, however, you might need to consider other options.

Personally, I care nothing about platformers, so the Wii U is currently a distant last place in terms of console interest for me, including handhelds. Zelda, Metroid, X, and MAYBE Star Fox are the only games on the horizon I see with any hope of changing that.