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I never said or implied they would be replaced by EA Access, there was never a disagreement. You're just assuming by competition existing, it must mean there's one or the other. All these services are competing for dollars. If I am a PS+ subscriber and an EA Access subscriber, maybe I don't buy this discounted DLC from PS+ because I am busy playing one of these games from the EA vault. Or maybe I don't rent some random PS3 game for $1 an hour because I just got FIFA 15 in my EA vault. There are two examples of competition.

Also, you're already seeing EA adding newer games to the vault right alongside DLC. There's no reason other big publishers won't see this and follow suit. Or Sony themselves. Also, it could give other huge mega publishers the motivation to make their own services. Now you have lots of competing services, which affects prices, which is just good for the gamer.

Again, there's a reason Sony passed on allowing it, and it sure isn't for the sake of their customers. I can see this is getting nowhere though, so enjoy the last word.