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shams said:


And everyone (writing these articles) seems to 'assume' that the Wii is a Gamecube/PS2 graphically. Its just not true. As expected, too many of the games out now are simply ports - quick cash ins. It won't be until Nintendo release Metroid, Galaxy & Smash will we have a better indication of just how powerful the Wii will be graphically.

Its not going to catch up to the 360/PS3 - but I don't think it has to. What it will do, is proof conclusively that its more powerful than a GC/Xbox/PS2. And consumers will be very happy about the graphics that come out of this little "duct-taped" GC.


Wiis capability is alot closer to the PS2/GC then the PS3/360 and thats the problem.    Just how well do you think Metroid and Galaxy will stack up to the likes of Uncharted or Rachet adn Clank ?