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Rafux said:
MohammadBadir said:
It's pretty much impossible to guess what Nintendo's next move is going to be.

For all we know they could make a phone version of their next handheld that would skyrocket the handheld market's sales, or they could release a handheld that's a tiny bit more powerful than the 3DS but can play games at a higher resolution and would doom the handheld market.

No way to tell.

It is true that nobody can predict the future but one can always look at current trends:

-First party classic Nintendo franchises still sell well

-3DS is still selling well enough considering how huge smart phone gaming has become

-Handheld franchises are still huge for Nintendo (Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, Nintendogs)

-Third party support for Nintendo handhelds has always been excellent

-Unless Nintendo comes up with something revolutionary they are destined to be third place in the home console market

-Sony has pretty much abandoned the handheld market


All of this indicates that Nintendo is going hybrid: The best (or only) handheld around with the best third party support and beloved exclusive Nintendo franchises, take it with you or play it at home with family and friends in your tv (with some "base" station).

Nintendo is creating a new "niche", they are not getting triple A third party support anyway so they are maximizing they profitable business.

On top of that Nintendo has been heavily hinting at this recently.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.